#Tim Scott

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2 days ago
Left-wing politics

Tim Scott Battles CNN's Abby Phillip Over Trump Vowing Revenge: You Can't Correct Me'

Sen. Tim Scott and CNN's Abby Phillip clashed over Trump's potential retribution and statements, highlighting disagreement on support and correction. [ more ]
1 week ago
Left-wing politics

Republican Tim Scott falsely claims Biden policy resegregates public schools

Trump's inner circle attempts to woo Black voters by making false claims about Biden's education policies. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
US Elections

SNL teases Trump's VP picks: Kristi Noem and the late, great Hannibal Lecter'

The article discusses a Saturday Night Live skit teasing Donald Trump's vice-presidential picks, showcasing Kristi Noem and references to Hannibal Lecter. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
US news

Tim Scott Fund-Raiser Includes Trump-Resistant Donors as V.P. Race Heats Up

Senator Tim Scott is hosting a fund-raising event with potential donors to bolster his chances of being selected as Donald Trump's running mate. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
US Elections

Is 2024 Election Denialism a Trump VP Litmus Test?

Vice-presidential candidate loyalty crucial in Trump's camp, exemplified by Tim Scott's careful balancing act for a spot in 2024. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
US Elections

Sunny Hostin Says Tim Scott as VP Would Not Help Trump With Black Voters: He's The Only African American Senator' In The GOP For A Reason'

Sunny Hostin believes Sen. Tim Scott will not significantly attract Black voters if chosen as Trump's VP. [ more ]
6 months ago
US Elections

Opinion | The Squandered Potential of Tim Scott

Senator Tim Scott ended his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination after failing to connect with the primary electorate.
Scott made hard-right appeals and offered policies such as a federal abortion ban and ending birthright citizenship.
Scott attempted to sell a message of racial uplift but was unable to differentiate himself from the rest of the pack. [ more ]
#presidential campaign
6 months ago
US Elections

Tim Scott's Campaign Collapse: Debate Flops, Mistrust and an AWOL Billionaire

Tim Scott's presidential campaign was struggling, with poor debate performances, ineffective ads, and low fundraising.
Billionaire Larry Ellison, expected to be a major donor to Scott's super PAC, did not donate anything to the group.
Scott's campaign manager announced a last-ditch move to Iowa, but many believed his candidacy had already run its course. [ more ]
6 months ago
US Elections

Tim Scott Suspends '24 Campaign, as His Sunny Message Failed to Resonate

Senator Tim Scott is suspending his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination.
Scott's campaign struggled with low poll numbers and fundraising.
Scott does not plan to endorse another candidate or be a running mate for someone else. [ more ]
morepresidential campaign
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